Innovation &
artificial intelligence (AI)
for the social economy.
More time for
Humanity &
The social economy is one of the most important economic sectors and yet this sector has not produced any real innovations in recent years, although it is constantly changing and adapting. Digital transformation? Hasn't worked so well yet.
But now there is a real opportunity for the social economy, because a new chapter could now be opened through the use of artificial intelligence (AI). But this not only requires well-trained employees with AI skills, but also the appropriate entrepreneurial framework within the respective organization so that AI innovations can find their way into the company and to customers in a sustainable way.
Here and now, a holistic, but modular, solution approach is needed for the social economy.
AI/innovation unit as an independent company.
What does it take to build an internal AI Unit?
01 Technical Expertise
To an AI-/to build an innovation unit, a social enterprise needs technical expertise. It is important that the company is able to understand and use the different AI technologies. It can be helpful to call in external experts or to train employees accordingly.
02 Resources
Building an AI/Innovation unit also requires resources, such as time and money. It is important for a social enterprise to provide these resources to fully realize the potential of AI and innovation. It can help to define clear goals and develop a long-term strategy.
03 Openness to change
To an AI/innovation unit to be successful, it is important that the social enterprise is open to change. This is not only about the introduction of new technologies, but also about a change in corporate culture. It is important that employees are willing to break new ground and accept mistakes.
04 Collaboration and networking
Building an AI/innovation unit also requires good collaboration and networking within the organization. It is important that the different departments and teams work together and contribute their expertise. Cooperation with external partners, such as start-ups or research institutions, can also be helpful in developing new ideas and technologies.